Art & Culture

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Angel Tree up

The Idyllwild HELP Center’s annual Angel Tree is up and decorated with the names of many children. Helping this year are (from left) Teagan White, Brynnley Meyer, Caden Meyer, Peyton Manchee and Colleen Meyer, at the HELP Center. This year, two Angel trees are available. Besides the tree at the Library (shown here), the second tree is at Fairway Market. “We have the most kids on the Angel Tree that we have ever had,” wrote Colleen, the HELP Center’s client services administrator.

Idyology opens with a bang

Good ol’ Sheriff came to the rescue, shooting down the cowboys Saturday afternoon. The gunfighters and cowboys took over town on and near The Fort Saturday afternoon before heading to Idyology for the celebration of its grand opening Saturday night.

Steve Moulton likes knowing people

Steve Moulton, longtime Hill resident, likes the lack of anonymity of small-town life. “I like knowing people,” he said as he sat at his...