A Healthy Idyllwild: How to be a healing presence

Having been a trauma psychotherapist for nearly 30 years — now retired — I still think about how to help those of...

The End of Life Option Act

Nothing in this article is meant to be medical advice. Please consult your healthcare provider. Some info below taken from: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520162AB15 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTvTXGk31bI&feature=youtu.be https://endoflifechoicesca.org/ [email protected]

A Healthy Idyllwild: Vaping

To vape or not to vape? A life-threatening lung illness, associated with vaping, is now a health emergency. So much so that...

National Falls Prevention Awareness Day is on September 23. Why wait?

Nothing in this article is meant to be medical advice. Please consult your healthcare provider. Some information for this article was taken...

A Healthy Idyllwild: Health Benefits of Stretching

Nothing in this article is meant to be medical advice. Please consult your healthcare provider. Some information for this article was taken...

A Healthy Idyllwild: A Healthy Weight

Nothing in this article is meant to be medical advice. Please consult your own healthcare provider. Some info...

A Healthy Idyllwild: Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Nothing in this article is meant to be medical advice. Please consult your own healthcare provider. Some info...

A Healthy Idyllwild: Managing emotions

Nothing in this article is meant to be medical advice. Please consult your own healthcare provider. Some...

A Healthy Idyllwild: February is heart healthy month

Nothing in this article is meant to be medical advice. Please consult your own healthcare provider. Some info...

A Healthy Idyllwild: Forgiving: Humanity at its best

Nothing in this article is meant to be medical advice. Please consult your own healthcare provider. Some info...