Readers Write: To Idyllwild citizens

Editor: About a week ago, I called Mike Freitas of the Idyllwild Water District board to ask if he could meet for a cup of...

Readers write: Finding future water sources

Editor: I must say I am left a bit confused by a couple of articles in last week’s paper. The water districts appear to be...

Readers Write: September 29, 2016: re: Time for just one water district

re: Time for just one water district Editor: Like I said months ago, time for one water district. Let’s combine the knowledge of three water districts...

Readers Write: Let’s get some things straight

Dr. Martin Luther King would be very disappointed about the latest riots in Milwaukee. We’re going back in understanding and helping each other. Who are...

Readers write: Faith in IFPD …

Editor: I recently had a medical emergency at the end of July. I had fainted and the Idyllwild Fire Department was called. With a quick response and...

Readers Write: Reply to ‘Open letter to Idyllwild Christians’

Frank and Harriet Thompson wrote a letter published in the July 7 TC expressing their dislike of the “Separation of Church and State” enshrined...

Readers Write: Not in our neighborhood

Editor: Many of us in Idyllwild are concerned about the snow visitors from off the Hill. I am president of the Big Cedar Glen Property...

Readers Write: Leash your dog on hiking trails …

Editor: I am writing to encourage dog owners to keep their dog on a leash on local hiking trails. I enjoy taking my dog hiking in...

Readers Write: Toward a truly Indivisible Idyllwild …

Editor:   After reading letters to the editor about Indivisible Idyllwild, I wondered what would happen if the group’s organizers invited Trump, Clinton and Sanders...

Readers Write: Stop the pot shops

Editor: Two new pot shops and a grow house on Highway 243 in the center of town. Really? Perhaps the majority of Idyllwild residents support...