Readers Write: Town Crier did not protect privacy

The Town Crier puts into print the news of the community of Idyllwild. “Community” invokes a sense of togetherness, mutual caring, support, understanding and...

Readers write: The quilters are not homophobic

Editor:  I must address the Larry Edwards story Jack Clark wrote in the Town Crier. I disagree with what Larry Edwards said. The quilters had nary...

Opinion: Further thoughts or further fabrications?

In last week’s Readers write, a Pine Cove resident addressed what she considered fabrications regarding IFPD’s provision of ambulance service to Pine Cove. The author of last week’s letter should take her own advice to ensure that her comments are supported by fact.

Opinion: Are bobcats and foxes predators?

I can’t understand why the California Department of Fish and Wildlife wants to kill bobcats and foxes. They will be offering classes to do just...

Readers Write: Fireplace safety

A shocking thing happened to me a few days ago. A burning log rolled right out of my fireplace, hit the fireplace screen from the...

Readers Write: Why I love you, Idyllwild

Editor: For you to know why, I have to take you back to my school years in Germany. I spent every summer vacation from school in...

Readers Write: Advice from a past CSA 36 member

Editor:  I was reading the new County Service Area Advisory Council profile of Ginger Dagnall and she sounds like the right person for the...

Readers Write: Demand border control …

Editor: Who wouldn’t want a better life for themselves and their loved ones, a life without having to look over your shoulders and being afraid? America...

Readers Write: October 20, 2016: In response to last week’s letter

Editor: In reference to the letter from William R. Faurot in the Oct. 13, Town Crier: “How soon we forget.” He states, “… people have the...

Readers write: Great response on pile

Editor: I want to publicly take note of the very quick response of Waste Management Inc. to the problem of the overlarge pile at the...