Comments on: Readers Write: Open letter to Idyllwild Christians Almost All the News — Part of the Time Sat, 09 Jul 2016 20:31:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rob Sat, 09 Jul 2016 20:31:48 +0000 What about the growing number of Americans who do not believe in Jesus or that God is in control? What about the millions of Hindus, Muslims, Taoists, Buddhists and agnostics in our country? The United States was not founded as a Christian nation. There is no mention of Jesus in the Constitution or in any of the laws and documents written by our elected representatives. What the Christian community is seeing is the demographic decline of the patriarchal, intolerant status quo. They simply don’t have the numbers anymore. Those “25 million voters” are not all Christians. In fact, taking current trends into account, I would think the majority of them are not religious at all. Christians are free to practice their faith and adhere to their creeds, but they cannot enforce the Ten Commandments on other people. The absence of organized religion from the organization of our government was the plan from the beginning. If we were to remove the separation of Church and State, we would in effect be establishing a theocracy, not a democracy, and following the lead of Iran, Saudi Arabia and ISIS. It’s a new millennium with more intimate and complex relationships with cultures around the world. Retreating into old traditions and medieval morality is not the American way. We are a nation of explorers, innovators and leaders. The world looks to us to be a uniting force, an example of multiculturalism and inclusive tolerance. Christianity, for all its beauty and wisdom, is not a tolerant institution. In this new century, we are free from the myopic worldview of a book written two to three thousand years ago, when human beings thought the world was flat and they were the center of the universe. We have grown up as a species and have the intelligence, creativity and courage to embrace more of life than what the Bible suggests.
