Idyllwild News

District 4 Supervisor Manuel Perez, new Board Chair

Editor’s note: Riverside County Supervisor V. Manuel Perez is the new Chair of the Board of Supervisors. He represents the Fourth Supervisorial District, which includes Idyllwild, Pine Cove and Mountain Center. The following is an interview with Supervisor Perez since he assumed the chairmanship of the board. “It’s an honor to be able to serve…

Forest Service closes several local campgrounds for 2025

On Jan. 24, the U.S. Forest Service announced the closure of several campgrounds in the San Jacinto Ranger District. The three campgrounds to be closed, possibly for the entire year, will be the Black Mountain Group Campground, Dark Canyon Campground, and the Ribbonwood Equestrian Campground, according to Naomi Gordon, External and Legislative Affairs Officer for…

Who does FEMA help, and who pays?

The catastrophic wildfires that made this a month of extraordinary losses in the southland have brought attention to FEMA and its role in helping states respond to disaster. President Trump has suggested that there should be conditions on FEMA aid to California, but instead of building codes, fuel reduction projects or firefighting equipment, has mentioned…

Local water districts prepared for emergencies, IFPD Chief says water supply not an issue during previous fires

In coverage of the historic fires that destroyed neighborhoods in Los Angeles County this month, one area of concern has been water supply as it impacts firefighting. We spoke with representatives of our three local water districts about their readiness for fire and other emergencies. Pine Cove Water District’s board president Robert Hewitt wants locals…

Newsom asks Special Session for $2.5 billion for wildfire prevention and cleanup efforts

As a result of the massive damage from the wildfires in the Los Angeles basin, Gov. Gavin Newsom modified his directive to the Special Session of the Legislature which he initially called in November. He is now also asking the Legislature to appropriate $2.5 billion to help fund the recovery efforts in Los Angeles area…

Dr David Pearson speaks of art and biodiversity in Brazil and in Idyllwild

Dr. David Pearson gave a talk at the Idyllwild Public Library on Tuesday, January 14, titled “Protecting Biodiversity: the Pantanal of Brazil.” The Pantanal is the world’s largest tropical wetland, ten times the size of the Everglades, and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Pearson’s field of expertise is biotechnology, and although he has never…

Chuckwalla, newest National Monument, is in Riverside County

On Jan. 7, former President Joe Biden established two new national monuments in California, using his authority under the Antiquities Act. The Chuckwalla National Monument is in Riverside County just south of the Joshua Tree National Park. The Sáttítla Highlands National Monument is in northern California near the border with Oregon. The Chuckwalla National Monument…

LAO has greater concern over future budgets than FY 25-26

Last week, the State’s Legislative Analyst’s Office released its review of the Governor’s proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2025-26. The LAO generally agreed with the Governor’s economic forecasts for the next fiscal year, however, the report expressed more concerned about future budget conditions. In summary, the LAO concurred that the proposed budget is “roughly balanced.”…

IWD hears from public on proposed land sale

The Board of Idyllwild Water District elected new officers. Charles Schelly will remain as President and newly elected member Jessica Preifer will become Vice President. There is still a vacancy on the board, and applications will be accepted until February 14. Schelly reported after the meeting that two applications had been received. Public comments focused…