Idyllwild News

Upcoming Mountain Disaster Preparedness training open to all

Mountain Disaster Preparedness (MDP) will be conducting its bi-annual medical diaster training exercise from 10 a.m. to noon, Saturday, July 30, at Town Hall. Participants will review wound managment, splint and bandage applications, and laceration management. They will also review the contents of the Disaster Aid Stations and the Red Cross trailer. Although this training…

Alzheimer’s Awareness Seminars offered at the Community Church

Alzheimer’s Awareness Seminars offered at the Community Church

A series of four Alzheimer Awareness Seminars, sponsored by the Idyllwild Community Presbyterian Church, began June 22 and continue through July 13. Shannon Eaton, with degrees in human development and counseling ministries, and Jane Farmer, her co-facilitator, lead the series. Eaton and Farmer lend personal experience, special expertise and practical suggestions to educate the public…

County terminates ICRC recreation contract

In a letter dated June 30, the Riverside County Economic Development Agency (EDA) gave notice to Idyllwild Community Recreation Council (ICRC) outgoing Chairman John Simpson of its intention to terminate ICRC’s contract as recreation manager for County Service Agency (CSA) 36. The effective termination date will be July 31. In the letter, CSA Operations Manager…