Readers Write: How AMR generates revenue

Editor: To add to Nancy Borcher’s letter to the editor of the Town Crier in the March...

Past Tense: January 4, 2018

70 years ago - 1948 A Christmas fire at the dump caught many firemen in their Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes. Swede Pitt tramped among the the burning...

Before Our Time: Homes evolve, too …

One of the charms of living here on the Hill is the welcome absence of typical Southern California tract housing. As soon as I...

Readers Write: Idyllwild, wake up!

Editor: Idyllwild Fire and Idyllwild Water are sub-standard agencies that refuse to fix their problems not because they fail to identify them, but rather they...

Past Tense: August 13, 2020

Royce Price doing calisthenics with the help of the Dixie Machine at the Idyllwild Summer Concert Series. The photo ran Aug....

Past Tense: February 18, 2016

65 years ago - 1951 The Lions Club was making plans to construct a children’s playground adjacent to Town Hall. 60 years ago - 1956 It was...

Past Tense: December 23, 2021

70 years ago - 1951The Lions Club viewed Korean War combat films at Fern Valley Lodge. The movies showed U.S. Marines withdrawing...

Creature Corner: February 11, 2016

ARF announces a new production: “Like catnip through the hourglass, so are the days of our nine lives.” Furball Bill:    (Talking with Rey and...

Past Tense: January 28, 2021

Construction workers were busy with cleanup operations at a newly constructed auxiliary spillway at Lake Hemet Dam. Photo ran Jan. 29,...

Out Loud: CSA 36 Advisory Committee …

In January of this year, Kathy Sacher Wilson and Ginger Dagnall resigned from the County Service Area 36 Advisory Committee. Now, Wendy Read has resigned...