Fashion Jack Revisited

Fashion Jack Revisited

CLUTTER & SHOE ADDICTION Q. My wife is nagging me that my clothes closet is cluttered. I don’t...

Fashion Jack: Favorite shirt and more …

Editor’s Note: Since Jack has somewhat of a reputation for “sartorial splendor” (as some of you may have, ahem, noticed), we asked him...

Fashion Jack: Buttoning & laundry socks

Q. Sometimes I get my shirt buttons in the wrong button holes so that I end up with one side of my shirt front...

Fashion Jack: Tattoos & Flipflops …

By Jack Clark Fashion Advisor Q. My boyfriend has the names of his old girlfriends tattooed on his arm. Now he says he wants to add...

Fashion Jack: Pockets and bangs

Q. Every wash day I have to spend time emptying my husband’s pants pockets. He keeps stuffing his left hip pocket with bits of...

Fashion Jack: Proper pairings

Q. When should I put on socks with sandals? — Alan, Rubidoux A. Before you put on the sandals. Wearing socks over sandals is considered gauche...

Fashion Jack: Bald spots & wine stains

Q. I’ve got a large bald spot that I see when the barber gives me a mirror to look at the back of my...

Fashion Jack: Beards & Shrunk shirts …

By Jack Clark Fashion Advisor Q. I have a long, white beard that hangs down below my belt. My wife likes it a lot shorter, but...

Fashion Jack: Retiring an old shirt

Q. When should a favorite shirt be retired? — Herman, Perris A. Even your favorite shirt must be retired sometime. Here’s how to tell if...
Fashion Jack Revisited


Q. What should I answer when my wife asks, “Does this dress make me look fat?” -Donald, Long Beach