Fire and Forest

Fire & Forest: MCFSC Summer Update …

Fire & Forest: MCFSC Summer Update …

As the Town Crier previously reported, Edwina Scott retired from the executive director position with Mountain Communities Fire Safe Council. After several interviews, the board of directors is pleased to announce the hiring of Kathy Wilson (from Idyllwild) as the new ED. Also, to help the new ED and Field Supervisor Pete Coy, the board…

Fire & Forest: Volunteers and grants allow FSC to keep community safe …

Fire & Forest: Volunteers and grants allow FSC to keep community safe …

For the past year (and every year since 2002), the Mountain Communities Fire Safe Council has been working hard to help members of our community with their fire abatement, and provide education for new residents and weekenders. We also sponsor an all-volunteer group, the Woodies, who provide firewood for those who can’t afford it and…

Chief Concerns: Preparedness & Readiness for a Wildfire — Part II
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Chief Concerns: Preparedness & Readiness for a Wildfire — Part II

By John R. Hawkins Fire Chief & Operational Area Fire & Rescue Coordinator & William Weiser, Division Chief Cal Fire/Riverside County Fire Department The following excerpted information will be very valuable as you plan and act to create or maintain defensible space: Defensible Space Zones Two zones make up the required 100 feet of defensible…


Fire & Forest: The CWPP …

In our mountain communities, there is a partnership between all of the “players” involved in the protection of our lives, homes and the environment. The documentation of this partnership is called the Community Wildfire Protection Plan. This document links the public with volunteer groups (Mountain Communities Fire Safe Council and Mountain Area Safety Taskforce) and…

Goldspotted oak borer still a danger — look for indications and learn more …

Goldspotted oak borer still a danger — look for indications and learn more …

So, as we all pursue the ever-compelling joys and rewards of removing all flammable materials from the 30-foot zone around our homes and structures, giving us all satisfaction in knowing we are  keeping the carpets of pine needles and burgeoning waving seas of grass from providing ground fuels for any and all potential falling embers,…