Realtor Talk

Local news, updates and market analysis from the Idyllwild Association of Realtors.

Realtor Talk

Realtor Talk

Hello from the Idyllwild Association of Realtors®! This year marks our 40th year as an association, and what better way to celebrate it than by recognizing someone who has been part of IAOR since its birth, back in 1979 — someone who has just been honored Emeritus Status for “forty or more cumulative years of…

Realtor Talk

Realtor Talk

Hello from the Idyllwild Association of Realtors®! This month we would like to relay to the latest housing news and share a few fun facts. Let’s begin in Washington D.C. and work our way home. Federal level: The House voted Tuesday, May 14, to extend the National Flood Insurance Program through Sept. 30. The Senate…

Realtor Talk

Realtor Talk

Hello from the Idyllwild Association of Realtors®! Before we get too far into 2019, IAOR would like to inform the public about several new California laws affecting homeowner’s insurance and new construction. Let’s dig in: Building permits: expiration period extended A building permit remains valid despite changes in the building code as long as work…

Realtor Talk

Realtor Talk

Hello and happy 2019 from the Idyllwild Association of Realtors. It would be an understatement to say that 2018 was an eventful year. Our community saw everything from the birth and dedication of our new Idypark to the town’s close call with total annihilation by the Cranston Fire — and everything in between (i.e. black…

Realtors Talk

Realtors Talk

Hello from the Idyllwild Association of Realtors! Thank you tor reading. Our aim is to relay important real estate-related information, and keep everyone current of what’s happening on national, state and local levels. Here’s the latest: National level The National Association of Realtors is calling all to urge Congress to reauthorize the National Flood Insurance…

Realtor Talk

Realtor Talk

Hello from the Idyllwild Association of Realtors! What a month it’s been. First off, on behalf of our association (and the community), we would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all the firefighters and local law enforcement officers who have kept our town safe once again from the most recent wildfire: Cal Fire (the…