
Readers Write

New curbs are a blight Editor’s note: This letter was sent as an email to Riverside County supervisors V. Manuel Perez and Chuck Washington. Dear editor: Please stop the Idyllwild paving curb installation project now and fix the enormous berms installed. The long-awaited paving project is well into the last phase with installing what were…

Past Tense

Past Tense

75 years ago – 1948 Sen. William Knowland, an overnight guest at the Idyllwild Inn, met formally with Hill residents to discuss local affairs. 70 years ago – 1953 Ladies of the American Legion Auxiliary met to sew gift projects for the Veterans Hospital. 65 years ago – 1958 The Rotary Club announced a Halloween…

Creature Corner

Creature Corner

By Janice Murasko Last week in “Days of Our Nine Lives,” ARF cats and kittens talked about how they might find a forever home. Harley: Woohoo! Halloween is almost here! Pepper: And that means a great parade down North Circle. Phil: We cats are pretty safe on this spooky holiday, except in cases of black…

Creature Corner

By Janice Murasko Last week in “Days of Our Nine Lives,” ARF cats and kittens celebrated Adopt a Shelter Dog month. Harley: How do we get serious about getting our kittens adopted, not to mention ourselves? Pepper: Good question. It seems that we have done quite a bit. Phil: Clearly, not enough as Carrie, Rosy…

Past Tense

75 years ago – 1948 Idyllwild Chamber of Commerce directors voted to “reforest” the San Jacinto Mountains with Sequoia Giganteas. 70 years ago – 1953 Idyllwild Beauty Shop advertised, “Fall tints for your tresses,” offering tint colors “maple red,” “oakleaf russet” and “alder grey.” 65 years ago – 1958 Dr. Max Krone was in Germany…

Readers Write

It takes a village Dear editor: This couldn’t be truer than it is now. ARF works hard to educate the “village” as to pet care and the importance of spaying/neutering. We all need to be responsible for our own dogs and cats, and we all need to help in curbing the annual kitten explosion. Sadly,…

Past Tense

Past Tense

70 years ago – 1948 The dump, the Town Crier learned, was a popular after-dark rendezvous during the summer. Residents were taking guests there to watch the deer feeding. 65 years ago – 1953 A sudden cold snap hit the mountain; the thermometer dropped to 18 degrees at Kenworthy Station in Garner Valley. 60 years…

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Art’s Corner

The prospects of the Labor Day holiday weekend always bode well for the Idyllwild area, regardless of ever-changing weather patterns and the ever-increasing plethora of yard sales and other outdoor activities. To this mixture of community togetherness, the joint coordinators of the Manhattan Chamber Players, Luke Fleming and Brendan Speltz, both dedicated musicians as well…

Past Tense

Past Tense

75 years ago – 1948 “Don’t look for the Town Crier next week,” advised the editor. “We’re skipping every other week to do our winter chores.” 70 years ago – 1953 The Marais-Miranda folk opera “African Heartbeat” premiered at the Bowman, but the weather was so cold the audience huddled in blankets. 65 years ago…