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Opinion: Cable service

I like good television reception, fast internet speeds for my computer, and voice over internet protocol for cheaper telephone service. The choices available for these services are cable TV, telephone connection, or satellite dish. Having dealt with telephone and dish in the past, I chose cable after moving here five years ago. From the first day cable was installed in...

IFPD Candidate’s Corner: Paul Miglin

Editor’s note: The Town Crier is interviewing each of the six candidates for the Idyllwild Fire Protection District (IFPD) commission. Interviews with incumbent Commissioners Pete Capparelli and Paul Riggi appeared in the July 14 issue. The series of interviews will conclude next week with Jerry Buchanan and Larry Donahoo. Ballots will be mailed to voters and will be due...

IFPD Candidate’s Corner: Mark Spehar

Editor’s note: The Town Crier is interviewing each of the six candidates for the Idyllwild Fire Protection District commission. Interviews with incumbent Commissioners Pete Capparelli and Paul Riggi appeared in the July 14 issue. The series of interviews will conclude next week with Jerry Buchanan and Larry Donahoo. Ballots will be mailed to voters and will be due back...

IFPD budget still in the red

At its Tuesday, July 12 meeting, the Idyllwild Fire Protection District (IFPD) Commission reviewed its end-of-year financial condition and discussed the recent Grand Jury report on the agency. Although the district’s expenses exceeded its income by $235,000, several unique one-time circumstances explain a significant portion of the deficit, said Commissioner Ben Killingsworth. He first defended his duties as treasurer and explained...

New faces at CSA 38

Still discussing ambulance service On Wednesday, July 13, Thom Wallace attended his first County Service Area 38 (Pine Cove) Advisory Committee meeting as a member of the committee. Wallace succeeds former member Tom McCullough. The county Board of Supervisors approved his appointment the day before, July 12. Member Lou Padula opened discussion on how CSA 38 can have more information or...

Three-day leak reported in Fern Valley Water District

At its July 15 board meeting, Fern Valley Water District General Manager Steve Erler reported a large three-day leak that a customer had discovered in the area of Scenic Drive. Erler noted it was an old connection from the 1960s that had been capped, but began to leak. “I don’t yet know the water loss,” he reported to the...

“Burlessence” woos Café Aroma audience

"Café Aroma hosted “Burlessence” Friday night, July 15. It featured several choreographed dances.

Mixed Bag marries bands at Idyllwild Concert Series

Jeff Stover and Chris Gore combined their respective bands, All Star Big Band and Jackson Garrett, to produce the Mixed Bag Orchestra (MBO), which headlines at the Thursday, July 28 Idyllwild Summer Concert Series (ISCS). “We’ll play jazz to country to salsa,” said Stover, leader, for this gig, of the wedded bands. Stover’s band plays regularly at the Old Town...

Colin Wenhardt brings smooth sounds to Idyllwild stage

Colin Wenhardt and his Bossa Nova Quintet provided Brazilian samba and bossa nova music during last week’s Summer Concert Series produced by Ken Dahleen.

Countdown begins to 18th Idyllwild Jazz in the Pines

In five weeks, Idyllwild will be pulsating.