Locals gathered to "Occupy Idyllwild" today at the tree monument in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street protest, which has grown throughout the U.S. and internationally in recent weeks. About a dozen protesters met at 4:30 p.m. holding signs and playing instruments.

Photo by Halie Johnson

Photo by Halie Johnson

Photo by Halie Johnson

Photo by Halie Johnson

Photo by Halie Johnson

Photo by J.P. Crumrine

Photo by J.P. Crumrine

Photo by J.P. Crumrine

Photo by J.P. Crumrine


  1. To the OCCUPY people, if your intent is to make a realistic difference, then: 1) have an agenda of a law you would like to add, remove, or modify. 2) Run for gov office on that platform. 3) Elect a politician who represents your agenda. 4) This democracy, majority (most of the votes) wins and sadly minority (lowest votes lose). 5) If you are not in the majority, then Learn to accept the defeat of the minority numbers. Otherwise, you are just lawn camping, wasting energy, and annoying everyone else in traffic.