Submit a Letter

Deadline 10 a.m. Monday for Thursday edition. If space is limited, the letter may be held until the following week.

Letter policy: The Town Crier welcomes letters reflecting all opinions. Letters should be concise and to the point. They should be no longer than 400 words. Letters must be identified with the writer's name, address and weekday phone number.

Exceptions: Anonymous letters will not be accepted. Letters of thanks are not accepted. A special advertising rate is available for thank-you letters. Political letters cost 10¢ per word.

We reserve the right to reject or edit letters for length, bad taste, defamation, clarity or frequency of submission. Submitting a letter to the editor does not guarantee publication.

(Note: the second and third entry areas below won't be published.)

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Phone Number (required)

    Your City and State (required)


    Your Message (required)
