Idyllwild Community Fund grant application now online

Applications for grants from the Idyllwild Community Fund are now available online and the completed form should be submitted online by Friday, May 4.

A technical assistance workshop is scheduled for 10 a.m. to noon, Thursday, March 15, at the Idyllwild Fire Station’s meeting room.

Interested parties and representatives of nonprofit organizations can RSVP to (951) 684-4194 for the workshop.

The Idyllwild Community Fund is a combination of three endowment funds established in 1996 and 1997. The original donors were interested in benefiting Idyllwild and surrounding communities.

The Idyllwild Community Fund has granted $146,332 since 1999 — more than the sum of the original gifts. Recipients are nonprofit 501(c)3 organizations whose programs and services benefit Idyllwild. The Idyllwild Community Fund committee has had a long-term relationship with The Community Foundation in Riverside, which holds and invests the funds for ICF.

The Community Foundation has recently launched an online grant application process for 2012. The online process will reduce the need to provide extra copies of the application and postage to mail them as well as reduce the foundation’s staff workload. The 2012 ICF grant cycle began March 7.

Access to the online application will be available on the ICF website, The website will provide access to downloadable application guidelines, online application procedures and online application FAQs.

Paper applications for grants will not be accepted and all applications must be submitted by 5 p.m., Friday, May 4. The ICF committee will conduct site visits before the end of June and will consider the applications to determine which organizations will receive 2012 funding. All applicants will be notified the week of Aug. 20.

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