Idyllwild School art program exhibit marks 10 years
Trudy Levy is exhibiting her newest ceramic piece, “Moving Through Time and Space,” at The Palm Springs Museum of Art. The opening reception is from 6:15 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 27, at the Elrod and Meyerman Sculpture Gardens. The exhibit runs from Oct. 20 to Dec. 9. Levy, discussing her inspiration for her most…
Evelina Poghosyan, Idyllwild Arts Fashion Design Department The Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation’s Spotlight on Leadership Series’ next presentation is at 10 a.m. Monday, May 13. In the Idyllwild Arts campus’ Fireside Room, Evelina Poghasyan, fashion design instructor at Idyllwild Arts Academy, will share her excitement about her work for IAA within the Inter…
Justin Holmes, Lancelot, singing “If Ever I Would Leave You” to Guinevere, Dimyana Pelev …
“Turtle Don” Davis is no stranger to thru-hiking. At the age of 70, he completed the entire Appalachian Trail. His wife hiked parts of the trail with him and helped resupply him in that hike. And he has hiked, in smaller sections, all but 200 miles of the Pacific Crest Trail in upstate Washington. Passing…
“The Laramie Project: Ten Years Later – an Epilogue” will be Isis’s next 2013 production. Idyllwild’s Howard Shangraw directs this provocative and insightful piece that reverberates beyond Laramie. On Nov. 6, 1998, gay University of Wyoming student Matthew Shepard left the Fireside Bar with Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson. The following day he was discovered…
Idyllwild’s resident Shakespeare and classics company, Stratford Players, stage “Cheers, a Warm and Humorous Look at Christmas,” a holiday diversion that aims to brighten spirits during this holiday season. Featured players include Allison Fedrick, Barbara Rayliss, Chic Fojtek, Christopher Morse, Derrik Lewis, Doug Austin, Dick English, Harriet Briant and Kerry Abrams in a production of…