A pack of letters that Kris Kringle himself let the Town Crier borrow.
Instead of bringing you the usual news stories that fill the following page each week, we like to take a breather each year and let you look at the season through the eyes of the children in our community.
These letters are from the special Santa mailbox at the Idyllwild Post Office. The spellings (and misspellings) are the original work of the youngsters. We have not changed anything, and we sincerely hope we read all the names correctly.
Dear Santa
I will like a lego train and lego lightning
to Santa
Love Ryder
SANTA, THis YEAR WWould liKei A bike and Slippers and a Play-dough factory. THANK YOU
DEar SANta,
for CHristmas may i PLEasE havE a StuFFEd ANiMaL whitE HorsE. a StuFFEd aNiMaL BLuE Parrot that taLKS. a smaLL stuffEd aNiMaL LEoPArb. a MEdium GLASS unicorN. a MEdium GLass doLPhiN JuMPiNG out of thE Water.
i haVE bEEN GrEat.
thaNK YoU’
Maddie AGE 6
For Christmas this year I want a lot of LEGOS (Legos)
Love, Griffin
Dear Santa
I would Want Some Hello Kitty Legos. And a Squishy frog that is rainbow colors. and a Squishy lizrd that is rainbow Colors.
Oh, I forgot. I Would like a plush Kitten
Hello Santa:
Can you give me a walking rubber ducky, that would be funny.
And a frog and a kitty cat.
Dear Santa & Mrs. Claus,
We have been good boys and girls at Lil Critters Preschool. This is what we want for Christmas. Thnak you!
Brynnley M., 3 yrs. — I want a Cinderella vanity and Oopsie Daisy doll.
Miles T., 3 yrs — A remote control tiger with a shark remote beep beep beep. Just one more thing, a dragon that breathes fire.
Alexander M., 4 yrs — A shark, a Elf on the Shelf cuz I want to find one. I want Allyah and Destiny and Ty to help me
Teagan B., 4 yrs —I want a bug sucker. It sucks up bugs. A new Buzz Lightyear and I really want a new disc for my Buzz that got fixed. It’s leg broke off but we fixed it. I want a new kitchen sink for my play kitchen.
Chloe C., 4 yrs — I want those dolls that have houses that stick on the wall. New crayons. I thouht of another thing — a baby!
Lhasa H, 2 yrs — I don’t know.
Lucy N. 3 yrs — A new pink Butterfly Girl doll. I want six more butterfly girls. They have wings and fly around. I already have one, but I want another one.
Cece N, 1-1/2 yrs — Doll, yea!
Bode P. 1-1/2 yrs — Ball.
Easton P., 4 yrs — I want two bikes, and a different skateboard, and books and lots of action figures and that’s all I want.
Hailey O., 3 yrs — I want a ding dong castle movie, a necklace and makeup and a purse.
Please Bring a special gift for our other children in school, too — Orion, Lauren, Baby Juniper, Opal, Miles, Jack, McKenna — and our helper, Breanna.
Thank you,
Teacher Kathy, Bob, Teacher Sandra and Teacher Claudia
Dear Santa,
I want an ipad but is to many dollars.
Tyler S.
age 4
See Santa Letters, page 30
Santa Letters
Continued from page 21
Dear Santa,
How are you and your reindeer doing? For Christmas I have been working really hard for a Kindle Fire Hd. I can read more books on it. In my stocking I would like a better toothbrush and tooth-paste. My mommy and I are baking yummy cookie for you.
Katelyn S, Age 8
Dear Santa, I think the North Pole is kind of Cold. I am a good boy and will try harder next Christmas. What I really want is a remote control shark and a punching bag. Thank you for my presents last year.
Colby S.
age 6
Dear Santa,
I love you. I want a Doodle Ber. I hope you have a safe trip.
I will leave some cookies and milk for you. Tell Mrs. Claus Hi and pet the reindeer for me.
Kaelynn, 3
Dear Santa,
Even if I Don’t get what I want I will still be thankful for it. How are you and Mrs. Clause Doing? Pet the reindeer for me. I want a Doodlebear please.
Lyliann, 5
Dear Santa.
I Want a spider man web slinger. I also wan’t a remote control Dirt bike because I love Dirt bikes. I wan’t a race car. I wan’t a remot contoll monster truck.
Love you santa.
From: Lance
Wish List for Christmas
1 hair clips (medeal)
2 hair feathers (white, brown if possible
3 Sea monkeys
4 Baby alive with food
5 Guitar with case if possile
6 DSI with games
Destinee S.
Dear Santa,
• For Christmas I would really like A remote contoll Helicopter or Plane.
• I would like a remote tank.
• I would like a remote controll Monster truck
• I would like a real Bow and Arrow.
• I would like A Nintendo 3DS excell.
• I would like a pro scooter A lot!
6th Grade
From: Dilyn S.
Merry Christmas
Jolly Day