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High temps + low precipitation = more wildfire chances

Last week’s hot spell only enhanced the chances of wildfires this fall.On Thursday, Sept. 5, the low nighttime temperature in Idyllwild was 64degrees tying the 2019 record low. Two days later, the low nighttimetemperature was 63 degrees which tied the 2023 record for that date. Cal Fire’s Predictive Services unit had already issued its...

Public hearing for waste collection rate increase

At its Sept. 10 meeting, the County Board of Supervisors held a publichearing to consider a new agreement with CR&R, the waste collectionservice for residents and businesses on the Hill. This also included arate increase. Implementation of Senate Bill 1383, originally approved in September2016, is the principal reason for the need for higher rates....

Spiritual Workout

Dear Spiritual Workout, I am in my sixties, fit and active. I discovered years ago that eating aplant-based diet was the key for me in terms of weight control and goodhealth. My dilemma now is that when I gather socially with friends theyconstantly share about their ailments, doctor visits,...

County Office on Aging visits Idyllwild to discuss senior needs

Local nonprofit Forest Folk held a special meeting at Harvey House onFriday, September 6, with a team from the Riverside County Office onAging. The purpose was as much to inform the Office of the needs ofIdyllwild-area seniors as to educate locals on what the county has tooffer them. Although the Office on Aging provides...

Idyllwild Indivisible hosts candidates Holstege and Rollins at Library

Idyllwild Indivisible will be holding a meeting at the Idyllwild Libraryat 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 17, with two Democratic candidates:Christy Holstege, who is running for State Assembly, and Will Rollins,who hopes to represent this district in the US Congress. Elaine Bacher,one of the group’s administrators, explained that the chapter is part ofthe nationwide Indivisible Movement, and...

Old Tyme Radio presents Six Shooter at Middle Ridge

Local radio theatre group ‘Old Tyme Radio’ will present an episode ofthe old Jimmy Stewart radio serial The Six Shooter at Middle RidgeWinery on Monday, September 16th at 5 p.m. The radio play has beenadapted by the group and producer Mick Lynch for live presentation,including lots of audience participation.

Prop 32 raises minimum wage

The official name for Proposition 32 is “Raises Minimum Wage.” Prop 32 In stages, Prop 32 would raise the current California minimum wage from$16 per hour to $18 per hour by 2026. Employers with more than 26employees or more would have to raise their wages to $18 per hour in

Newsom hoping legislative special session will dampen gas price increases

Saturday evening, Aug. 31, just prior to the end of the 2023-24legislative session, Gov. Gavin Newsom issued a proclamation calling fora special legislative session to address concerns about the high priceof gasoline in California. Earlier in August, Newsom had offered a set of bills to address thisproblem, but no action was taken, which is...

Historical Society Home Tour offers annual journey through time

The Idyllwild Area Historical Society will host their 22nd Annual HomeTour on Saturday, September 14^(th). The tour features five uniqueprivate homes, varying in periods, style and setting, with featurescreated by local craftspeople, and works by local artists. Althoughticket sales at the museum and website will have closed this week,tickets will be available on the day of the...

Legislature bans smartphone use by K-12 students in schools

Student use of cellphones in K-12 schools has been criticized for years.Gov. Gavin Newsom has frequently challenged their use in schools,including signing legislation in 2019 that granted school districts theauthority to regulate the use of smartphones during school hours. As schools were beginning the current new school year, Newsom wrote toState school districts and...