The nascent Idyllwild Fire Auxiliary held its second meeting and selected temporary officers. Charles Wix agreed to serve as president. The other officers are Christina Edwards, vice president, Rick Foster, secretary, and Nancy Layton is the treasurer.
The group devoted time to reviewing a draft of the articles of incorporation and discussing possible Auxiliary projects. One of the first steps will be opening a bank account for funds to buy materials and supplies to complete projects, Layton said.
The turn out (about 17 or 18 people) for the group’s second session was good, according to Layton. Fire Chief Patrick Reitz said he continues to meet people in town who want to learn more about the Auxiliary and its role. “The increased interest is really exciting,” he said in a telephone interview.
The next meeting will be 6 p.m. Monday, Feb. 18, at the fire department. One of the topics will be a discussion of actions needed to begin some of the potential projects at the station.
“Once we get through the organizational stuff, we’ll get to go to projects,” Reitz affirmed. He expects that work to begin in early spring.