Idyllwild fire auxiliary moving forward

Idyllwild Fire Protection District Auxiliary is coming together. The third meeting occurred Monday evening, Feb. 18. The primary purpose of these first meetings is to get the program up and running. There was also a tour of the fire station, highlighting some of the improvements that the auxiliary may be part of in the coming months and years.

The auxiliary is currently in the process of creating articles of incorporation as well as bylaws, which will help to govern it. The plan is that after adopting the articles, they will be sent to the State of California for incorporation as a nonprofit organization. A 501(c)(3) designation from the IRS will follow, which would allow donations to the auxiliary to be a federal tax deduction. These two documents would also be important for funding and grants later.

Though temporary board members were chosen previously, temporary directors for functions such as membership and WNKI management were sought Monday evening. Nancy Layton and Jeannine Charles-Stigall will begin organizing the membership function and a WNKI chairperson is being recruited. These temporary board members and directors will remain in office until the state approves the auxiliary’s nonprofit status. At that time, officers and directors will be elected for permanent positions.

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