Mayor Max. Photo by J.P. Crumrine
Mayor Max of Idyllwild, also known as Maximus Might-Dog Mueller, passed away quietly in his sleep on Tuesday, April 2, after a three-year battle with cancer.

No one who met and experienced this loving spirit, even in the most recent weeks, could have know that his health had been a serious issue for the last several years. Max was always fully present, delighted to be in the company of others and unlike many politicians, had no agenda other than to serve, love and perpetuate kindness.

He and his caretakers, Phyllis Mueller and Glenn Warren, ennobled and gave new meaning to the term “public service.”

Watch for a longer story in next week's paper.


    • Thank you very much, Greg. While our loss has indeed been immense, it is widely shared with the town, which is greatly in grief as well. This Sunday’s celebration of life and memorial service will help. Best wishes to you and yours.