ICC Speaker Series: “Palestine and Israel”
Two speakers, both informed and intensely interested in Palestine/Israel issues, will present their individual perspectives Thursday evening, Sept. 18, at Silver Pines Lodge.
The object, they both say, is to present information to the public as to the nature of the controversy so the public understands there really are two serious viewpoints.
Kelli Way said she will present the “anti-Israeli policy” side, focusing on three main policies of Israel: Jewish settlements in Palestinian territory, the blockade of Gaza and Operation Protective Edge. She stresses that the goal is to give people some background to foster a better understanding of what is at stake in hopes of promoting a really lasting peace between the two factions.
Kami Blake said she will present a broad picture on Israeli policy issues, opining that differences in ideology and culture are driving much of the conflict and keeping it alive from one generation to the next. Her talk will include a history of the Zionist movement from the late 1800s onward, which she characterizes as essentially: “If we had our own country and borders, we could tend to our own security.”
This idea for this presentation came out of a discussion between the two in which they asked why people with opposing opinions cannot have a civil discussion in which they present information.
The event, which is open to the public at no charge, will commence with a reception at 5:30 p.m. leading into the presentation set for 6 p.m. A question-and-answer period follows the presentations.