Fern Valley water supplies more than adequate

The Fern Valley Water District board received correspondence from its legal firm, Best, Best and Krieger, of Riverside, that it will represent the district when necessary as general counsel.

However, FVWD President Robert Krieger said at the meeting last week he would respond to confirm that BBK was continuing as general counsel rather than becoming general counsel.

“Our letter characterizes what we believe their role has been — general counsel,” Krieger said. He stressed that FVWD has considered and used BBK as general counsel since its establishment in 1958.

“They never told us before October [2014] that they weren’t being our general counsel, so I think this is an important point,” he concluded.

FVWD’s water supplies continue to be sufficient to meet its current demand, according to General Manager Steve Erler. Although the minimal flow in Strawberry Creek has not been adequate to divert, Erler said, “Tahquitz Creek is running between 35 to 40 gallons per minute.”

During most of February, Erler augmented the stream flow with water from the well no. 3. Then he added, “Today, we started to use well no. 2 for augmentation, too.”

Static well levels, except for the district’s office well, rose slightly this month, Erler reported and described it as “promising,” although they are all between 0 and 4 feet below their levels in February 2014.

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