Past Tense: August 13, 2015

Hot trumpeters in summer musical program in July 1974: Bill Davis and Jerry Coulter. FILe photo
Hot trumpeters in summer musical program in July 1974: Bill Davis and Jerry Coulter.
FILe photo

65 years ago – 1950

Trail improvements, the stringing of a phone line from Tahquitz Peak to Round Valley, campsite maintenance and the building of a well were just some of the projects underway at the Mt. San Jacinto State Park.

60 years ago – 1955

High up on the wooded slopes of Strawberry Valley, a new subdivision was opened in upper Fern Valley by the Idyllwild Mountain Park Company.

 55 years ago – 1960

Paving the way for the tramway agency to finance an aerial lift from the desert to Long Valley, a new contract between the San Jacinto Winter Park Authority and the California Department of Natural Resources was signed in Sacramento.

50 years ago – 1965

Almost 100 Model A Fords from all parts of Southern California came to the annual campout of Ford owners in Idyllwild.

45 years ago – 1970

For the first time in its 20-year history, the ISOMATA campus offered classes after its summer session ended, beginning a high school program that has lasted to this day.

40 years ago – 1975

The Lake Hemet Fire started in the grass at the south edge of the lake. Despite efforts of ground crews, the flames reached Thomas Mountain. The  fire was the second major blaze in these mountains in less than 12 months.

35 years ago – 1980

A program was created to prevent overuse of Devil’s Slide Trail in the San Jacinto Wilderness; only 20 hiking permits would be issued in one day.

30 years ago – 1985

Nearly 200 acres of “prime property” crossed by Deer Springs Trail was purchased by the State of California and would be turned over to the State Parks Department.

25 years ago – 1990

A San Diego couple, Joe and Sylvia Cordileone, climbed Tahquitz Rock to exchange wedding vows. Ten of their 25 wedding guests made it to the top to witness the event.

20 years ago – 1995

Representatives from both the Hemet Unified School District and the teachers’ union said progress had been made in contract negotiations, but the two sides remained far apart on a possible pay raise for district teachers.

15 years ago – 2000

Before children returned to school, the first stage of a construction project at Idyllwild School was underway when an excavator knocked down two classrooms and the library.

10 years ago – 2005

To the community’s great shock, Alexis Echavarria, a promising Idyllwild Arts’ film student and a community service volunteer in Thailand, died unexpectedly.

5 years ago – 2010

Early morning flames engulfed the home of Michael and Barbara Hynes on Foster Lake Road. It was completely destroyed.

1 year ago – 2014

Many mountain yellow-legged tadpoles released the previous summer in two local creeks survived the winter, but the drought and disease appeared to have taken a toll on the surviving population.

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