Judge announced for Eye of the Artist fundraiser

On Saturday, March 12, from 6 to 9 p.m., the Art Alliance of Idyllwild will host one of its largest fundraisers of the year, Eye of the Artist. One of three judged events planned for 2016, this particular art show will feature seven unique categories with first- and second-place ribbons being awarded per category.
This year’s judge is James Jared Taylor of Desert Hot Springs. A practicing sculptor and painter, Taylor moved to Southern California in 1988. Prior to that he had a studio in New York City and worked for the renowned sculpture foundry, the Johnson Ateilier.
Taylor holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Kansas City Art Institute and earned his Master of Fine Arts from Rutgers University. He has exhibited his work in both museums and galleries around the United States. His work is in private and public collections around the world, including public sculptures installed in Palm Springs and Rutgers University.
He currently is working on various projects both in painting and sculpture. In painting, he is creating a series of abstracts based on watercolors done during a 500 mile walk on the Camino de Santiago in Spain. He also is creating a series os sculptures entitled “The Intermodulation Project,” which investigates the movement of sunlight using steel, glass, prisms and other media.
In addition to being a consultant to school districts in curriculum development, his academic appointments include The College of the Desert, California State University, San Bernardino, and Temecula Valley Unified School District where he currently serves as the academic dean in the Visual Arts.
Add the love of playing jazz guitar with various big bands and small ensembles and one can understand why AAI is honored to be welcoming Taylor’s keen eye of art to its first judged art show of 2016.
All pieces of artwork are donated by AAI artist members and the event theme is “Wild! Each piece is won by attendees via opportunity drawings and a silent auction. For more information about the event, visit www.artinidyllwild.org.