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Mountain Fire threatens the Hill
At about 1:45 p.m. Monday, July 15, the Mountain Fire began burning near Highway 243. The fire began on the west side of Highway 243 but quickly jumped the road and began blazing through the U.S. Forest Service Keenwild Guard Station grounds. Tuesday afternoon, the fire was burning the wilderness above Garner Valley and working…

Supervisors approve emergency plan with no debate
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Latest results from Tuesday’s primary
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IFPD investigating tax increase and other revenue options
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Wayne Parker, longtime musician, Town Crier and Idyllwild Arts colleague, dies
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News of Record: Feb. 27, 2013
Fire log Editor’s note: The logs will now be categorized by area. The Idyllwild Fire Station responded to the following calls, Tuesday, Feb. 18 to Monday, Feb. 24: Idyllwild Feb. 18 — False alarm, Idyllwild. Feb. 19 — Medical assist, Idyllwild. Feb. 20 — Medical aid, Idyllwild. Feb. 21 — Medical aid, Idyllwild. Feb….