PHOTOS: Beer for a cause

The women’s division winner of the Stein Holding Contest, Ginger Dagnall, strains to try to break the men’s time.
The women’s division winner of the Stein Holding Contest, Ginger Dagnall, strains to try to break the men’s time.


Jack Clark was one of several gallant men competing in the Stein Holding Contest. This raised additional proceeds for Animal Rescue Friends of Idyllwild during their Second Paws for Rhythm and Brews.
Jack Clark was one of several gallant men competing in the Stein Holding Contest. This raised additional proceeds for Animal Rescue Friends of Idyllwild during their Second Paws for Rhythm and Brews.


Winners of the homebrewing competition at the Second Paws for Rhythm and Brews were (from left) Kirk Roland, Nancy Roland and Toby Gramm.
Winners of the homebrewing competition at the Second Paws for Rhythm and Brews were (from left) Kirk Roland, Nancy Roland and Toby Gramm.


At Saturday’s Second Paws for Rhythm and Brews, Chris Austin holds his full stein of beer. Austin repeated as the men’s champion beer stein holder. Jim Adams of Forest Lumber sponsors the event. Photos by Peter Szabadi
At Saturday’s Second Paws for Rhythm and Brews, Chris Austin holds his full stein of beer. Austin repeated as the men’s champion beer stein holder. Jim Adams of Forest Lumber sponsors the event.
Photos by Peter Szabadi

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