Open fires, barbecues prohibited in IFPD district

With the Fourth of July weekend upon us, Idyllwild Fire Protection District reminds us that wood or charcoal open fires or barbecues are not permitted anywhere in the IFPD district. Electric or propane gas grills are approved, but a no-charge permit must first be obtained from IFPD. The permit allows electric or propane gas grilling between the hours of 10 a.m. and 9 p.m., but no charcoal, wood or other burnable material is permitted.

Application materials explain further safety requirements, including positioning the electric or propane grill on a fireproof platform, 5 feet away from the nearest combustible material and 10 feet from any structure. A properly working garden hose or fire extinguisher must be within 10 feet of the electric or propane grill, and the whole premises is subject to inspection by IFPD, which may cause a citation to be issued for problem offenders.

Pick up an application for an electric or propane grill permit at the Idyllwild Fire Station or at IFPD’s website, and submit the application to the fire station.

Outside Idyllwild’s fire district, Cal Fire Pine Cove Station 23 relates that there is no prohibition against charcoal or wood barbecuing in grills designed for those purposes, nor are campfires prohibited “within organized campgrounds or on private property” but only if a no-charge permit is first obtained and the campfire is maintained in a manner that will prevent its spread to wildlands. A campfire permit can be obtained at local Cal Fire stations or online at

However, Cal Fire reminds us that burning landscape debris, including tumbleweeds, by homeowners is not permitted in Riverside County and no permits for such burning are being issued.

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