Past Tense: November 3, 2016

70 years ago – 1946
Ernie and Betty Maxwell founded the Town Crier in the attic of their home using a mimeograph and handwritten headlines.
60 years ago – 1956
Max and Bee Krone were featured in “The Instructor,” a teacher’s magazine. A section of their song arrangements appeared in several issues.
55 years ago – 1961
Movie studio technicians began transforming local spots into movie sets in preparation for the filming of “Kid Galahad,” starring Elvis Presley and Lola Albright. It was reported that the film company planned to hire local school children for extras at $24 per day. Every youngster in town was angling to be selected.
50 years ago – 1966
J.B. Hanauer & Company, the firm serving as Idyllwild Water District’s financial advisor, declared bankruptcy. It was not expected to affect the sales of the district’s sewer project bonds.
45 years ago – 1971
Mountain Center Free School closed for the week in protest against all wars. Students and staff journeyed to Los Angeles and Palm Springs to participate in demonstrations against wars.
40 years ago – 1976
Rancher Jack Garner donated 9/10ths of an acre of land at the intersection of Morris Ranch Road and Highway 74 as a firehouse for the Garner Valley Volunteer Fire Department.
30 years ago – 1986
A permanent trash collection station to replace the Idyllwild dump received preliminary approval by the Riverside County Board of Supervisors following a public hearing.
25 years ago – 1991
The county Board of Supervisors approved the establishment of a sheriff’s substation at Lake Hemet.
10 years ago – 2006
Memorial services were scheduled throughout Southern California for the five firefighters, members of Alandale Guard Station Engine 57, whose lives were lost while fighting the Esperanza Fire, which was contained Oct. 30.
5 years ago – 2011
Idyllwild was the site of another “Occupy” event that week. On Saturday, people gathered in front of the Tree Monument with signs, musical instruments and good spirits to protest the current state of the country and demonstrate solidarity with “Occupy Wall Street” protests in cities around the world.
1 year ago – 2015
Gov. Jerry Brown declared a state of emergency due to the number of dead and dying trees resulting from the four-year drought.