CSA 36, Idyllwild Water and Fire seek new board members
The Idyllwild Water District announced that letters of interest and personal résumés from applicants interested in filling the remaining term of former Director June Rockwell should be sent to the district office care of President Dr. Charles Schelly by Friday, Jan 6.
Three years remain in Rockwell’s term, but an appointee will have to stand for election this August for the final two years.
Interest in former Director John Cook’s seat was due on Dec. 30.
The Idyllwild Fire Protection District is accepting letters of interest and a one- to two-page résumé by Wednesday, Jan. 18 to fill its vacancy after Commissioner Nancy Layton’s resignation. The material will be reviewed at its Jan. 24 commission meeting.
Layton was elected in August 2013. Her term will end in December 2018. The appointee will have to stand for election.
Riverside County 3rd District Supervisor Chuck Washington is seeking local residents interested in serving on the County Service Area 36 Advisory Committee. The Idyllwild CSA 36 Advisory members will advise and make recommendations to the supervisor concerning recreation and street lights within the CSA 36 area.
Idyllwild residents who are available and willing to share their time and expertise are encouraged to apply for the appointed position; applications will be accepted through Tuesday, Jan. 31.
Applications can be downloaded by accessing rivcodistrict 3.org. For more information, call Opal Hellweg at 951-955-1030.