Art Alliance’s new president is Zack Steinhaus: Board seeking two more directors
The Art Alliance of Idyllwild has announced its new slate of officers for 2017. Zack Steinhaus is the new president of the Board

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of Directors.
Shanna Robb, president for the past 19 months, stepped down as president to help train the new leadership team and assist with the transition. She will become treasurer.
“It is very lucky for us that Shanna is acting as a mentor to all of us, since most of us are new to this board,” said Steinhaus.
The remaining officers and directors include Judy Hoyt, secretary; Jacque Swerdfeger and Martha Lumia, co-chairs of the membership committee; Rob Padilla, co-chair of the Gallery and Art Hot Spot committee; and Peter Szabadi.
Steinhuas said the 2017 calendar of events is nearly completed. “We will be posting the events that we will be holding for the first six months on our web site on Monday evening,” he wrote in an email to the Town Crier.
Jerry Baccaire withdrew as a director prior to being seated for health reasons. He plans to remain an active artist member.
The AAI bylaws allow the seven board members to proceed with business, but they will actively seek two more qualified candidates to fill the vacant openings on the board.
Interested members may submit their names at [email protected].
“Instead of assigning the new Board members to a position, they will fill the two positions that we have open, on the Board in general. The members will then take on event chairs, of events that they are interested in,” Steinhaus added. He is looking forward to Robb helping the new members lead the AAI.
During the 2016 calendar year, the 501(c)(3) nonprofit welcomed more than 80 new members and donated more than $22,000 to other local art-focused organizations.