Photos: Scenes from all around the Hill

Idyllwild Arts Academy senior visual artist Audrey Carver is seen here with one of her “works in progress” in the studio on the IAA campus. Audrey was a recent speaker in the Idyllwild Community Center Speaker Series that partners this year with the academy and focuses on student artists and their work. Photo by Marshall Smith
Sandii Castleberry demonstrates the sounds from a guitar before leading the participants in a musical spoons workshop Saturday at the library. The Art Alliance of Idyllwild sponsored the event.
One of the participants in the musical spoons workshop shows his spoon. Photos by Shanna Robb
Jon King of Idyllwild had a lot of great feedback from many local folk bout the front page photos last week of Tahquitz Peak covered in snow and ice. He returned to the peak via a different and much harder route Sunday, and the tower had changed dramatically in just 10 days, as you can see from the attached.
Photos by Jon King

While enjoying an exciting ice-climb up the north face of Tahquitz (Lily) Rock, after our recent heavy winter storm, Idyllwilder Penelope Smrz reaches for the Town Crier for some extra thrills on Tuesday, Jan. 31.
Photo by Alois Smrz
Spring has arrived, at least at the Idyllwild Area Historical Society’s museum garden. This photo was taken Sunday. Photo by Thomas Pierce
Members of the Art Alliance of Idyllwild presented the Under $100 Art Fair at multiple venues around town on Saturday, Feb. 4. The main event was at the Community Church, pictured here, and featuring 17 member artists. Photo by Tom Kluzak

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