‘The Story of John Newton’ featured at Library on April 12

The Friends of the Idyllwild Library would like to welcome all interested members of the community to the final presentation delivered by Idyllwild resident Logan Creighton, soon to leave his home on the Hill, in a reprise of his popular historical impersonation “Amazing Grace: The Story of John Newton”, to be held in the library’s Community Room on Wednesday, April 12, from 3 to 5 PM.

Newton’s story involves his conversion from slaver and unbeliever to a life of preaching the Christian gospel, and the words of the famous hymn reinforce this turn of events. Mr. Creighton’s personification of this individual is as powerful as its subject, and its presentation for the second time in this setting should be as enlightening as it was at first – so this event is not to be missed again.

Admission is free of charge to all Friends’ events, and light refreshments will also be served. Please join us in wishing Logan Creighton all the best in the future, as well as being witness to another outstanding presentation.

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