Forest Service imposes fire restrictions on visitors to San Bernardino National Forest

Effective Saturday, July 1, the U.S. Forest Service imposed fire restrictions in the San Bernardino National Forest. Hot, dry and windy conditions, along with critically dry and receptive fuel types throughout the SBNF, have prompted local fire managers to implement more fire restrictions.

The restrictions are designed to prevent accidental wildfires. These restrictions will affect more recreation sites and become more restrictive in areas already under restrictions.

The UFS will be aggressively citing those who do not comply with the posted restrictions. Violation of these prohibitions is subject to punishment by a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment for not more than six months or both, as Class B misdemeanors under federal law.

People may also be responsible for resource damage, suppression costs and any injuries that occur if they are found liable for causing a wildfire.

Effective on all SBNF lands are the following fire restrictions:

• Building, maintaining, attending or using a fire, campfire or stove fire except within the areas listed in Exhibits A, B, and C.

• Smoking is prohibited, except within an enclosed vehicle, building, or in the areas listed in exhibits A, B, and C.

• Persons with a valid California Campfire Permit are not exempt from the prohibitions listed above, however, persons with a valid California Campfire Permit may use a portable contained-gas or liquefied-petroleum stove or lantern with a fuel shut-off valve.

• Welding, or operating acetylene or other torch with open flame is prohibited.

• An approved spark arrester is required for all off-highway vehicles.

Within the San Jacinto Ranger District, the fire restrictions will apply to the following campgrounds and picnic areas:


Black Mountain

Boulder Basin

Dark Canyon

Fern Basin

Marion MountainPinyon Flat

Ribbonwood Equestrian

Picnic areas

Fuller Mill Creek

Lake Fulmor

Lake Hemet

Pursuant to 36 CFR 261.50(e), the following persons are exempt from this order:

• Any federal, state or local officer, or member of an organized rescue or firefighting force in the performance of an official duty.

• Persons with a USFS permit specifically authorizing the otherwise prohibited act or omission.

Questions regarding the restrictions may be asked at the SBNF Supervisor’s Office, 602 S. Tippecanoe Ave., San Bernardino, 909-382-2600 or San Jacinto Ranger Station, 54270 Pine Crest, Idyllwild, 909-382-2922.

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