Easter-related events happening in Idyllwild

Photo by Susan Monroe
Easter Egg Hunt, Easter Bonnet Contest, Inspiration Point Sunrise Service and church services …
Easter Sunday is just around the corner this year as it falls on April Fools’ Day, April 1. Here’s what churches and organizations have planned around this holiday:
Saturday Easter Egg Hunt
The Idyllwild Community Center, with Chris Perrault as chair, will host the annual Easter Egg Hunt the Saturday before Easter, March 31, from 10 a.m. to around noon. Again, it will be held at the Community Center site, across from the Shell station, by the playground. About 1,900 real eggs will be hidden and 2,000 hidden plastic eggs will be filled with candy and tiny toys.
The different age categories are toddlers to age 3; ages 4 to 6; ages 7 to 9; ages 10 and up; and the over-the-hill gang. Each category has its own area where eggs are hidden and in each area there is a golden egg. In the kids’ areas find the golden egg, earn a special Easter basket. In the over-the-hill area, a certificate to Idyllwild Pizza goes to the finder of the golden egg.
Almost all the restaurants in town have helped sponsor this event by donating a case of eggs that will be cooked and dyed by the afterschool program at Town Hall.
There is also an Easter Bonnet contest. Make your own custom Easter Bonnet and bring it with you to the Easter Egg Hunt. The three best bonnets will each receive a gift certificate from the Candy Cupboard.
Last, but definitely not least, the Easter Bunny will be present.
Sunrise Service at Inspiration Point
The annual interfaith Sunrise Easter Service will be held at Inspiration Point from 6:30 to 7:30 a.m. Sunday, April 1. Dress warm and bring lawn chairs. To get to the service, take Highway 243 (don’t forget to turn at Marion View and Doubleview) and make your way out to Inspiration Point. In the event of inclement weather, this early morning, Easter Service will not take place. For more information, call 951-659-4775.
Easter church services
The Assembly of God church will have an Easter Sunday service at 10 a.m. Sunday. The pastor and family plan to attend the sunrise service, as do members of the congregation, if weather permits.
Calvary Chapel meets at the Tahquitz Pines Conference in a 1939 vintage chapel. Its Easter Sunday service is at 10 a.m. and includes the special music of a couples duet. A brunch will follow right after the service.
Cross Road 243 Christian Fellowship in Mountain Center will have an Easter Sunday service at their regular service time of 10 a.m. Cross Road Church is one of the sponsors of the Sunrise Easter Service at Inspiration Point.
The Idyllwild Bible Church will hold a Good Friday service from 6 to 7:15 p.m. Friday, March 30. Easter Sunday services will be at 9 a.m. and 10:45 a.m., regular service times. Idyllwild Bible Church is one of the sponsors of the Sunrise Easter Service.
At 8:30 a.m. Sunday, a breakfast will be served at the Idyllwild Community Presbyterian Church. At 9:30 a.m., Easter service will include music, worship, prayer, the message and fellowship. This church also is a sponsor of the Sunrise service at Inspiration Point.
The schedule for Holy Week at St. Hugh of Lincoln Episcopal Church is: 10 a.m. Sunday, March 25, Palm Sunday Service; 6 p.m. Thursday, March 29, Maundy Thursday Service; noon Friday, March 30, Good Friday Service; and 10 a.m. Sunday, April 1, Easter Sunday Service.
Queen of Angels Catholic Church Holy Week schedule is: 7 p.m. Thursday, March 29, Maundy Thursday Service; 3 p.m. Friday, March 30, Good Friday Service; 6:30 p.m. Saturday, March 31, Saturday Vigil Mass; 8 and 10 a.m. Sunday, April 1, Easter Sunday Services.
Shiloh Christian Ministries will have its Easter Service at its regular time of 10 a.m. on Sunday.
Legion buffet
The American Legion Women’s Auxiliary will offer an Easter buffet from noon to 2 p.m. Sunday, April 1, at Post 800.