Key dates for voters prior to June 5 primary
Voter information guides have been mailed to about 964,000 Riverside County voters before the consolidated primary election on June 5.
Important deadlines for the June 5 election:
• May 7: First day of early voting in the Registrar of Voters office and first day the registrar is allowed to mail vote-by-mail ballots to voters.
• May 21: Last day to register to vote for the June 5 election or to update your address or to change your political party preference. You can register online at or request a paper application by calling 951-486-7200.
• May 29: Last day the registrar may accept mailed requests for vote-by-mail ballots. After May 29, voters must go to the registrar’s office to request and pick up a vote-by-mail ballot. Voters who have requested, but not received, a vote-by-mail ballot by May 29, should contact the registrar’s office at 951-486-7200.
• June 5: Election Day
Use the voter guide
Voters may mark their selections on the voter information guide and use it to help them complete their official ballot at the polls. This may be Important for several reasons:
• The office of governor has 27 qualified candidates. Vote for only one candidate.
• The office of U.S. senator has 32 qualified candidates. Vote for only one candidate.
The Registrar of Voters recommends that voters review the materials before casting an official ballot. If voters do not receive an information guide in the mail, it is available online at Voters also may call the registrar’s office at 951-486-7200 or 800-773-8683 to request a mailed copy.
The June 5 election is a countywide election. Registered voters in all areas of the county are eligible to cast votes in this election. For questions about your eligibility to vote, call the registrar’s office at 951-486-7200.
Voter polling-place locations are printed on the back cover of the information guide, which includes an application to request a vote-by-mail ballot. May 29 is the deadline to request a vote-by-mail ballot. A Spanish-language version of the guide will be available at and a copy can be mailed upon request.
Polling places are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Election Day. Vote-by-mail ballots must be received by the elections official no later than the close of the polls on Election Day, or be postmarked on or before Election Day and received no later than three days after Election Day to be counted.
Effective Jan. 1, 2017, conditional voter registration was available to eligible voters in California pursuant to Election Codes 2170 through 2173. Conditional voter registration extends the existing 15-day registration deadline to eligible voters, allowing them to register and vote 14 days prior to an election through Election Day. An eligible voter would need to register directly in the office of the Riverside County Registrar of Voters, 2724 Gateway Drive in Riverside, to conditionally register to vote and vote a provisional ballot.