Change of guards for American Legion and Fairway

Local business owner Paul White, owner of the Idyllwild Bake Shop and Brew, has been a member of the Idyllwild American Legion Post 800 for over a decade and has been very active there for the past two years.
White recently ascended to the position of commander, replacing two-term Danny Richardson whose distinguished leadership recently earned him the Veterans Service Award. “I like that this Legion post is always looking for ways to enhance life experiences for local residences by supporting veterans and raising funds for charitable purposes,” said White.
In addition to many significant projects the Legion sponsors each year, there are several youth sports teams organized by Town Hall who benefit as well. “Post members feel strongly that Idyllwild’s children greatly benefit from the positive sports experiences coordinated with family events they sponsor,” said White.
The Legion also hosts a weekly Monday night dinner for $7 that brings people together. “We just had our July 4th barbecue and are planning an Aug. 4 barbecue complete with a full-on, double-elimination horseshoe tournament, with prizes sponsored by the Sons of the American Legion,” White relates.
For clarity, the Legionnaires are veterans; sons or men who have a family member who has served are known as Sons of the American Legion; and wives, mothers and daughters form the Women’s Auxiliary.

White will provide management and bring organizational skills to his new role, relying on the board, committee chairs and volunteers to continue their work. Fairway Market’s new Manager Juan Patlan needs little introduction. Hired by former Fairway Manager Diana Johnson more than 13 years ago, Patlan brings experience, vision and close staff relationships to his reflective management style.
“I stayed with Fairway all these years because Diana gave me an opportunity to rebuild my life. I’ve attained that goal and feel a great loyalty to the company,” he said.
“To the community of Idyllwild,” Patlan assures, “we are pleased to announce Barb Arrendondo recently joined our management team and we’re expecting great things from her. She brings a large-chain perspective which I believe will polish some of our operations.
“Stocking of foods will remain under my auspices and we are always open to hearing customer requests for specialty items we may not carry. I appreciate the opportunity to manage this store, and I’m looking forward to continuing Fairway’s tradition of bringing the best and freshest foods to the Hill for an affordable price.”