Fire restrictions raised in San Bernardino National Forest

Effective Monday, July 16, San Bernardino National Forest officials implemented elevated fire restrictions. In light of conditions and recent fire activity, the decision is based on national-level fire activity, local fire activity and the availability of firefighters for response.

Until further notice, the following restrictions are in effect:

• No campfires or barbecues are allowed outside certain picnic areas and campsites. Lists of allowable picnic areas and campsites are available at visitor centers and are shown in the accompanying table for the San Jacinto Ranger District. For the Front County and the Mountaintop ranger districts, visit

• Persons with a valid California Campfire Permit (available free of charge at visitor centers or online at are not exempt from the prohibitions but are allowed to use portable contained-gas or liquefied-petroleum stoves or lanterns with a fuel shut-off valve.

• No smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle or building, or a developed recreation site, which for the San Jacinto Ranger District are listed below.

• No welding, or operating acetylene or other torches with open flame.

Residents and visitors are reminded that simple steps can help prevent human-caused fires:

• Prevent vehicle-related fires by maintaining proper tire pressure, ensuring adequate tire tread and checking your brakes for overheating. Avoid traveling or parking on brush or grass. Ensure chains are not dragging while towing.

• Make sure your campfire is dead out. Drown it, stir it, feel it. If it’s not cool to the touch, it isn’t out.

• Motorcycles, ATVs and chainsaws require an approved spark arrestor.

• Fireworks are always prohibited on U.S. Forest Service land.

The Forest Service reminds visitors to the SBNF that violation of these prohibitions is punishable. For an individual, the fine can be up to $5,000; for an organization, the fine may be up to $10,000. For individuals or groups, imprisonment for not more than six months also is possible.

Allowable areas for campfires and barbecues in the San Jacinto Ranger District


Black Mountain

Boulder Basin

Dark Canyon

Fern Canyon

Marion Mountain

Pinyon Flat

Ribbonwood Equestrian

Picnic areas

Fuller Mill Creek

Lake Fulmor

Lake Hemet

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