Supervisor Washington gives $4,000 grant to Fire Safe Council

Funds to help create more defensible space around local homes

At the Oct. 23, Riverside County Board of Supervisors meeting, 3rd District Supervisor Chuck Washington recommended his colleagues concur with a $4,000 grant to the Mountain Communities Fire Safe Council.

These monies will be used in conjunction with the $600,000 state fire prevention grant, which was awarded to MCFSC in August.

About $200,000 of the grant funds will be earmarked for defensible space projects on the Hill, said Edwina Scott, MCFSC executive director.

Since the state money has a matching share requirement, Scott submitted a proposal to Washington requesting more funds to help low–income, seniors and disabled residents pay the homeowner’s share of the project.

While the MCFSC’s Woodies can create many defensible-space projects, there are some that require additional work and equipment. The grant money will enable MCFSC to provide the extra assistance to the frail and elderly, Scott said.

The state money has not been distributed to the recipient organizations, but Scott expects it within a month or so.

If you might qualify for this grant to create defensible space, call Scott at the MCFSC office, 951-659-6208.

In April, Washington provided money for the 2018 Idyllwild Summer Concert Series and in July, he aided the annual Jazz in the Pines festival.

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