The 10th-annual Idyllwild International Festival of Cinema will present its sixth-annual Children’s Film Festival.
The CFF is the brainchild of Andrea Charles, IIFC filmmaker liaison.
“This year’s films are amazing. We have four animated films and all are so well done,” she said. “There’s also a short film that is a spoof of ‘Superman.’”
In 2014, Charles’ first year viewing films, she made suggestions to Stephen Savage, IIFC founder and director, about the place and role for films aimed at a younger audience.
While he agreed, he tasked her with its organization. And she has created the CFF within IIFC.
One of Charles’ first steps was to approach Shannon Ng, branch manager of the Idyllwild Library. Charles needed a venue for these films, which are usually much shorter than the features in the festival. Ng agreed to provide the location. The Idyllwild Library continues to be CFF’s home.
The CFF is so successful that 2019 is its sixth year. Six films were selected for this year’s event. (See accompanying table.)
“It’s fun,” she said about CFF. “And it’s great to see films good for children. There’s so much negative in the world.”
The six new films selected for this year are all short, less than 15 minutes, according to Charles and Ng. So they also will play several favorites from past years.
CFF films may be seen at 2 p.m. Wednesday, March 6, and at 2 p.m. Saturday, March 9. They will be shown at the Idyllwild Library and are free.
“I hope these films inspire the kids,” Charles said.
“My favorite is ‘Clark’; it’s hysterical,” Ng advised.
The viewers (children) of these films also will be able to vote for the best child’s film. This award will be among all the other IIFC awards. It will be announced and awarded Sunday, March 10, at the awards ceremony at the Hemet Theatre.
Charles, CFF founder, also is the celebrated author of the well-known children’s book “Harvey’s Favorite Day.” She said the time spent to stage CFF “doesn’t feel like work at all; I love it.” Her own rottweiler, Harvey, was the inspiration for her book.

Film schedule for the
Children’s Film Festival
When: • 2 p.m. Wednesday, March 6
• 2 p.m., Saturday, March 9
Location: Idyllwild Library
“Captain 3D”
“Daisy Belle”
“Lotta the Silhouette Girl”
“One Small Step”