Prescribed burning this week: Major project may begin Thursday

Photos Courtesy of San Bernardino National Forest
By Zach Behrens
Public affairs officer San Bernardino National Forest
U.S. Forest Service (San Bernardino National Forest) fire crews will continue prescribed burning operations this week, including the possibility of starting a new, large project in the San Jacinto Mountains, pending weather and air quality conditions.

Beginning Thursday, Feb. 6, crews may begin a broadcast burn of up to 760 acres on Thomas Mountain, which sits to the southeast of Idyllwild between the communities of Garner Valley and Anza. Once started, the project will take place over several days with the possibility of more burn days occurring intermittently throughout the winter and spring. Ignitions may include the use of a helicopter.
“Because of daily changes in weather conditions, it is hard to precisely schedule burning locations and dates,” said San Bernardino National Forest Fire Chief Jaime Gamboa. “We appreciate the flexibility and support from residents and visitors for whenever and wherever our crews are working.”

To date, fire crews have accomplished nearly 500 acres of fuels reduction across the San Bernardino National Forest for the 2019/2020 winter season.
Daily burn notices are posted to the Forest’s Twitter account at (an account is not required to view tweets).