Home Art & Culture On The Town HUSD unveils new logo

HUSD unveils new logo


Hemet Unified School District (HUSD) is proud to announce its new logo, which was selected based on staff and stakeholder input.

New HUSD logo.

The new HUSD logo incorporates symbols of our vast district from the mountains to the farmlands. The viewer is given the perspective of standing behind an iconic orange tree peering into the distance at our broad agricultural fields. The majestic San Jacinto Mountains span the view becoming the center of the visual. The color scheme was chosen to be vibrant and fresh while also presenting a clean and memorable identity. 

The new logo also serves as a visual representation of the transformation that has occurred in HUSD over the last four years. The district’s vision — Embrace, Educate, Empower — is a focal point of the logo, serving as a reminder of what HUSD is aspiring to achieve on behalf of its students.

All HUSD staff members were engaged in creating the district’s new core values and vision which will be formally released later in the year.

The district is proud of the work that went into this process and it will continue to work with all of its stakeholders to create a system in which unified is not just in our name, but in the organization’s DNA.