We received a call this week from Peter and Jill Hogenson, a couple living in Long Beach. They related that they came to Idyllwild back in 1974 when Ernie had the Town Crier. They loved it so much they married here in 1975 and had a second home in Fern Valley for a number of years. But they became Town Crier members recently, they said, because they love our Hill and enjoy visiting — and they thanked us for the job we do.
I have mentioned before that more than half the Town Crier Members have their TCs sent to addresses off the Hill. These are people who have or want to have second homes up here, or who plan to retire here someday, or who, like the Hogensons now, love our Hill and visit whenever they can.
Advertising in the Town Crier is focused advertising that reaches people near and far who love our Hill community.
Businesses, please remember that readers keep and read their Town Criers for a whole week until the next issue comes out. That’s a whole week of focused advertising for the price of a single ad.
Many thanks to the Hogensons and to all our Members and advertisers for their continuing support! You all are keeping a real newspaper serving our Hill community.