Home Idyllwild News Our Members keep renewing, and new Members join them

Our Members keep renewing, and new Members join them


During these COVID times, when so many Hill businesses are suffering, your Memberships are more and more important to keep the Town Crier operating for our Hill.
And every week, Becky and I are sending thank you cards to our new and renewing Members. We’ve economized about as much as we can now, so your Memberships are all the more important.
Indications are that many Hill businesses likely will be reopening sometime during the next several months, and, of course, they will want to let us all — and our Hill’s many tourists — know about their reopenings, new business hours and their special offerings.
In the meantime, we at the Town Crier will do our best to cover matters of importance on our Hill. Thanks to all you Town Crier Members, Readers and Advertisers for keeping the Town Crier serving our community.