Author: Sally Hedberg

The Desert Sun/Elliott-Pope school reunion

The Desert Sun/Elliott-Pope school reunion

More than 100 people affiliated with the Desert Sun School (later the Elliott-Pope Preparatory School) in Idyllwild from the year 1942 to the school’s closure in 1990 held a reunion last Saturday. The reunion was on the school campus, now the site of Astrocamp. Some Idyllwild notables who attended were Marshall Hawkins, who taught sports…

Fashion show highlights native arts festival

Fashion show highlights native arts festival

The culmination of Idyllwild Arts’ annual week-long Native American Arts Festival will be, for the first time, a Native American Fashion Show at 7 p.m. Friday, July 5, in the Idyllwild Arts Foundation Theatre. The show’s producer, Dr. Jessica Metcalfe, assembled 10 of the top Native American designers for the show. A Turtle Mountain Chippewa,…

Why everyone should visit Idyllwild

Why everyone should visit Idyllwild

Just like the desert Cahilla Indians centuries ago, San Jacinto mountains’ summer residents and visitors are slowly making their way from the desert’s three-digit temperatures to a much milder climate. But it isn’t just the climate that makes part-timers and visitors return to the Hill. Once exposed to Idyllwild and the surrounding areas, most people…