Rare Brewer’s blackbird spotted

Four more weeks until the one-year anniversary of our announcement of the Town Crier Membership Model, and six more weeks until the anniversary of when it went into effect. So, on Sept. 1, we will finalize the list of the Town Crier’s Charter Members, i.e., those who became Members during the first year of our…
George Rowell fills vacant director seat Trischa Clark is the new president of the Fern Valley Water District Board of Directors. At its Jan. 19 meeting, the board elected new officers for 2018 and selected George Rowell to fill the current vacant seat on the board. The vote was unanimous, 4-0, for both decisions. “The…
On occasion, the Town Crier must challenge authority — sometimes those who run our local public agencies for us. Some of these folk are administrators and some are board members you elected.But please remember: They do not own the public agencies they operate — you do. They work for you. You need to be able…
Friday afternoon, Oct. 27, the U.S. Forest Service contained a small near Bee Canyon. The Highway Fire was 3.5 acres and contained within hours of its report. The fire was about 1.5 miles from Highway 74 and west of Bee Canyon Road, according to Freddie Espinoza, District Fire Management Officer for the San Jacinto Ranger…
Editor’s note: Mike Esnard and his wife, Robin DiMatteo, suffered an unimaginable and horrific tragedy during the Santa Rosa fires. Their home, their belongings, their family treasures were all burned and lost. They have found an apartment in San Francisco where their daughter lives and will re-settle there. The following comes from correspondence from Mike….
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