First we would like to take this opportunity to say we appreciate all the people of Idyllwilld for their generous and heartfelt support and donations to the HELP Center during this holiday season as well as all year round. Without you we would not be able to accomplish all that we do. The HELP Center is an integral part of the town and we’re all in this world together.
The mission of the HELP Center is to help Idyllwild residents who are in need. Our Thrift Store sales (and now our Boutique) are devoted solely to helping fund the programs that aid local citizens.
The Thrift Store has been doing this since it’s opening in the 1990s. As federal, state and local grants dry up, our Thrift Store sales are becoming more and more critical to the support of all HELP Center programs.
We must constantly look for new ways to increase our income to compensate for the loss of grant funds. Sales at the Thrift Store and the Boutique provide funds we use to help local families with utility assistance, medical exam vouchers, medication vouchers, doctor appointment gas vouchers, dental vouchers, eyeglass vouchers, children’s clothing and school supplies, weekly food supplies, holiday turkeys and hams, and on and on.
Our fundraisers are successful because our board and staff recognize their importance for our survival and they put their hearts and souls (and tons of work) into each and every one of them.
Greedy? Ms. Streeter. Hardly. The word doesn’t exist for any HELP Center activities relating to the board, staff, volunteers, clients, donors, shoppers, friends and so on. There is no greed, just citizens (like the Woodies), as well as trying to help individuals trying to help improve their lives for themselves and their children.
Every individual, who walks through our doors is treated with the utmost respect, compassion and dignity.
You are “horrified” that we try to make a few extra dollars on merchandise that is donated? We personally are horrified when a child has a toothache and his parent can’t take him or her to a dentist. We are horrified when families have to take cold baths in the winter because they have no propane. We are horrified when parents can’t take a child to an emergency room off the Hill as they have no gas in their car.
We want only the best for all of our clients and work very hard to accomplish that. Every extra dollar we make on donated items goes towards all of our programs, whether it’s from the Thrift Store or the Boutique. It’s as basic as that.
All types of people shop at the Thrift Store. From all walks of life. We cannot control, nor do we want to, who buys what. The Boutique space at the Fern Valley Emporium, which Sue and Don Zeigler generously donated, is all of about 7 feet by 7 feet. It has not made a dent in the merchandise at the Thrift Store. It is an annex, if you will, and every penny goes to the HELP Center. We think it’s great, and appreciate Don and Sue for their caring and thoughtfulness.
We regret if some individuals do not agree with our mission, goals and policies, but that does not change our charter nor the basic needs of our community. We will continue to respectfully and compassionately forge ahead. We invite anyone who would like to learn more about the HELP Center, regarding our mission, programs and Thrift Store, to let us know and we will gladly meet with you.
The HELP Center Board of Directors:
Lou Bacher
Deanna Collins
Dick Hadik
Margaret Mary Leusch
Karen Patterson
Linda Anderson
Holly Maag
Steve Taylor
Sam Crowell and
Bill Whitman