Who: For drivers with outstanding traffic tickets that were due to be paid in full before Jan. 1, 2009. All of the following also must apply:
- You either failed to appear in court or failed to pay in full.
- The last date you made a payment was on or before Jan. 1, 2009.
- You don’t owe restitution to a victim on any case in the county where the traffic case was filed.
- You have no outstanding misdemeanor or felony warrants in the county where the traffic case was filed.
- Other eligibility requirements may vary from county to county.
What: The California Legislature mandated (Assembly Bill 1358) that all 58 counties implement a one-time amnesty period that allows a lump sum payment of 50 percent of the outstanding balance on certain violations to fully satisfy that court-ordered obligation.
Only traffic tickets that were due to be paid before January 1, 2009, are eligible. Parking tickets, driving under the influence (DUI), and reckless driving cases are nor eligible.
When: The program began Jan. 1, 2012, and ends June 30, 2012.
Where: At your local superior court, www.courts.ca.gov/find-my-court.htm
How: Payment may be made in whatever form is customary in your county, which may include credit card, cash, cashier’s checks, money orders and personal checks.
Why: A one-time infraction amnesty program would do the following:
- Provide relief to individuals who have found themselves in violation of a court-ordered obligation because they are financially unable to pay traffic bail or fines.
- Provide increased revenue at a time when revenue is scarce by encouraging payment of old fines that have remained unpaid.
- Allow courts and counties to resolve older delinquent cases and focus limited resources on collecting on more recent cases.
- A one-time amnesty program for fines and bail meeting the eligibility requirements.