Nick Todd, Idyllwild Chamber of Commerce president since October 2010, submitted his resignation both as president and director to the board. His resignation was effective Feb. 1. Todd cited personal and family reasons, but noted he would remain involved in an advisory capacity.
Under Todd’s presidency, and under previous President Mimi Lamp, the Chamber executed a dramatic turnaround, substantially increasing the membership base, building appreciation for, and confidence in the Chamber’s leadership. An accomplishment of Todd’s tenure was overseeing the installation and completion of David Roy’s town monument, which is named “Harmony.”
During this same period, the Chamber hosted the first post-Jazz Festival, in-town jazz night with Marshall Hawkins and friends. Because of its success, Jazz in the Pines promoters are cancelling the annual Saturday night dinner to allow patrons to attend the in-town event.
In a telephone conversation, Todd talked about projects that he wished he had been able to shepherd through to completion, including building a new playground at Town Hall.
“I wished that was something I could have finished,” he said. The current playground did not pass county inspection, and has been closed.
Todd estimated the cost to replace the playground, and make it compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act, would run over $30,000. Todd said, however, that 3rd District Supervisor Jeff Stone has agreed to match every dollar raised by individual or organizational donors to help get the job done and provide a safe playground for children using County Recreation District facilities at Town Hall.
Todd noted that Chamber Directors Lanny Hardy and Peter Buhl are working to continue the tourism-building efforts of the now-disbanded Idyllwild Business Roundtable.
“I have enjoyed working with the business community and the other board members,” said Todd.